Carmeletha Ford
Denice Foster
Vice President & Treasurer
Brian Dix
Site & Building Committee Manager
Layunite Estell
LaTrenda Keith
Family Advocacy
Fundraising Committee
This committee shall be responsible for coordinating the raising of funds needed to conduct the business of the corporation. The tasks to be coordinated by this committee shall include fundraising campaigns, grant proposal writing, special events, and cultivation of major donors. This committee shall emphasize and promote the importance of Christian stewardship in the servicing of donors and supporters.
Public Relations Committee
This committee shall be responsible for educating and informing the public regarding the mission and purposes of the corporation, the need for better and more affordable housing in certain areas, and the steps being taken to meet this need. The tasks to be coordinated by this committee shall include public speaking, communicating with the news
media, and publishing a periodic newsletter.
Family Selection Committee
This committee shall be responsible for drafting the selection criteria and application forms, screening applications, interviewing applicants, and recommending applicants to the Board of Directors for approval as prospective homeowners.
Family Partnership
This committee (sometimes referred to as the Family Nurture committee) shall be responsible for providing Habitat homeowners and prospective homeowners with a mutual support system, educational opportunities, and a forum for discussions pertaining to home ownership and maintenance, all for the purpose of helping
families to break the poverty cycle and become independent.
Site Selection Committee
This committee shall be responsible for targeting the area or areas of the community in which the projects of the corporation shall be developed, by investigating and researching the availability of property, and recommending property to the Board of Directors for acquisition. The committee shall work in conjunction with the Building Committee to evaluate the suitability of potential sites prior to acquisition.
Building Committee
This committee shall be responsible for planning and implementing the Construction and repair projects and of the corporation. The tasks to be directed by this committee shall include obtaining house plans, soliciting professional help and donations of building materials, coordinating volunteers, and supervising construction.
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